Pastoral Celebrations
The use of The St. Paul’s Schools Chapel for weddings is granted only to graduates, current or former trustees, faculty, and staff of St. Paul’s School for Boys and St. Paul’s School for Girls. The Chapel seats approximately 325 people.
The St. Paul’s Schools is affiliated with the Episcopal Church; therefore, when a school chaplain is conducting the ceremony, the marriage service follows the guidelines of the Episcopal Church.
Please use these guidelines in exploring whether you would like to have your marriage service in our chapel: A school chaplain is available to officiate weddings held in the chapel. If a guest minister is presiding a school chaplain will contact him/her to make arrangements. When the chaplain is not needed to officiate a school employee will be present in the Chapel for the rehearsal and wedding. Arrangements and scheduling of weddings are to be made at least six months prior to the wedding date through the chaplain at (410) 821- 3063. You will be contacted by the chaplain before a date can be put on the calendar.
The decoration of the chapel should be discussed with a chaplain before any arrangements are made with a florist. The wedding party is responsible for removing all floral arrangements and decorations as prearranged with the Chapel Office. Arrangements for the wedding rehearsal should be made in a timely manner through the Chaplain’s Office. Space is available for members of the wedding party before and after the ceremony.
Our organist will provide music for all weddings requiring organ music. The organist fee is to be negotiated by the couple with the organist separately from the chapel use fee. If the chapel organist is not available for the wedding, he will recommend the names of several certified organists for the wedding. These organists will be familiar with the chapel organ. You may contact the chapel organist at
Photography and video arrangements must be discussed in advance with the chapel office. Throwing of rice, birdseed or flower petals, outside or inside the chapel, is prohibited. Floor runners are also prohibited.
It is expected that members of the wedding party will conduct themselves in a manner befitting the atmosphere of a place of worship at all times. Prior to both the rehearsal and wedding, it is expected that members of the wedding party refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages. St. Paul's is a smoke-free campus. It is the obligation of the bride and groom to make certain that these policies are made known to and followed by all members of the wedding party. The State of Maryland requires that a license for marriage be obtained in the City/County where the wedding is performed. This license may not be used in the first two days of issuance but is good for six months. The marriage license must be given to the officiant. It is preferable to have the license on file with the Chaplain a few days before the wedding.
A donation of $300 is requested for the use of The St. Paul's Schools Chapel. An additional fee for the chaplain’s services will also be discussed when the couple meets with him in preparation for their marriage and the ceremony. Fees should be sent to the Office of the Chaplains at St. Paul’s School a week before the wedding or brought to the wedding rehearsal. Checks should be made payable to St. Paul’s School and mailed to:
The St. Paul's Schools Chapel
P.O. Box 8100
Brooklandville, MD 21022-8100
The use of The St. Paul's Schools Chapel for baptism is granted only to graduates and current or former trustees, faculty and staff of the St. Paul's School for Boys and St. Paul's School for Girls, if they are not already affiliated with a parish or faith community.
Because Holy Baptism is an initiation into the Christian faith and life, it is understood that the candidate for baptism and his/her family will eventually participate in a congregation of their choice. Instruction on the significance of baptism in the Christian life is a requirement if the candidate is of an age of perception. Parents and sponsors will also meet with the chaplain prior to the service for additional catechesis. Each candidate for Holy Baptism is to be sponsored by one or more baptized persons.
A school chaplain will officiate at baptisms held in the chapel.
Arrangements and scheduling of a baptism are to be made through the Office of the Chaplains (410-821-3063) and must be made at least three months in advance to the proposed date.
Since our school was founded in the Episcopal tradition, our baptismal service follows the guidelines of the Church as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. The sacrament is recognized by other Christian denominations.
A donation of $250 is requested for the use of the chapel. Fees should be mailed several days before the baptism or brought to one of the counseling sessions.
Checks should be made to payable to The St. Paul's School and mailed to:
The St. Paul's Schools Chapel
PO Box 8100
Brooklandville, MD 21022-8100