Alumni Board

The Board of the Alumni Association encourages alumni participation in the life of the school and connection with other alumni. Projects and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 

The Alumni Association offers alumni opportunities to enjoy the personal and professional satisfaction of remaining connected with each other and to their alma mater. We encourage alumni to remain in touch and lend their talent, time, and resources to support our distinguished school. 

Alumni Board Executive Committee 

Kenneth "Kenny" Moore ’02


Kyle Lagratta ’05 P’36 ’40

Vice President

Seth Peichert ’02 P’34 ’36 


Alumni Board Executive Members 

  • Chris Burnham ’08 P’38 ’39 
  • Padraic “P.J.” Fahey ’95 P’31 ’33 ’35 
  • Clay Goodier ’00 P’31 ’33 
  • Mike Hall ’06 
  • David Huges ’74
  • Joshua Matanin ’11
  • Brian McGettigan ’03 
  • Alec Mitchell ’10
  • D. Seward “Chip” Woelper ’91 P ’21, 26, 28 
  • Larry Chambers ’55, Emeritus 

Faculty Representative (Vacant)

[* denotes non-board member]