Student Services

Student Services available at St. Paul’s School for Boys include a variety of academic and social/emotional resources. Consistent with the St. Paul’s mission to provide opportunities for all students to achieve their personal excellence, the goal of student services across the middle and upper schools is to help each boy know his strengths and to make the best of his abilities. Each division has an experienced Student Support Team, composed of the Head of the School and other qualified faculty, who oversee the unique academic and social learning needs of students. Together, the team partners with the student, his parents, and relevant faculty to assess a student’s needs and provide appropriate resources to maximize the student’s potential and success.


St. Paul’s offers all students a comprehensive counseling program to help ensure that each boy gets the most out of the SP experience. Both the middle and upper schools provide a dedicated full-time counselor to support the social and emotional needs of each student. The counselors provide developmentally appropriate programming in each division such as grade-specific health and wellness lessons including human reproduction, sexuality education and substance prevention in the middle school, and the ninth grade wellness course and grade-specific health and wellness events in the upper school. In addition, the counselors coordinate the advisory programs and collaborate with parents, faculty and advisors for the benefit of each student.

The counselors offer both individual and small group counseling to help address issues such as depression and anxiety, interpersonal relationships, drug and alcohol use, and home-life issues, and can make referrals for routine or longer-term care. Along with relevant faculty, the counselors provide educational opportunities for parents and families, offering guest speakers, community forums, book discussions, skills training, and other opportunities for learning and community networking.


Learning Services

At the St. Paul School for Boys, our Learning Services, 5-12, offers a variety of academic resource support, academic coaching, and instruction to match our students’ unique strengths. In partnership with our students, families, and faculty, we strive to understand and support all students through strategy-based intervention stemming from research-based neuroeducation practices.  

The upper school offers students the Oriel suite, which includes academic coaching services, a math center, and a writing center. The middle school offers the Academic Resource Center (ARC), reading courses, Academic Skills Classes (ARC), and the Student Organizational Club (SOS).  

Previous Student and Family Program Offerings 

Conference and AIMS Presentations 

Student Services Team


Upper school

middle school