St. Paul's Blog

The St. Paul’s Schools offers students from preschool through grade 12 access to a wide range of opportunities across campus. 

parent on laptop smiling with kid

Thousands of parents pay for private education for their children each year. However, there is a myth that surrounds private education: only wealthy parents can afford it. In reality, many parents who enroll their kids in private schools are not millionaires. Private independent schools in Maryland – such as The St. Paul’s Schools – can be made affordable for families from various socioeconomic backgrounds.

entrepreneurship course

New methods of 21st-century teaching focus on several core tenets that help children excel both in the classroom and in the real world.

Photo of six lower school students working together

It's time to drop off your little one at preschool or kindergarten. Right as you're ready to bid your farewell, out come the waterworks. Tears and tantrums are normal signs of preschool drop-off separation anxiety — but it can be tough for parents to handle. If your young kid is scared of being dropped off at school, these tips will help to ease their anxiety and smooth the goodbye process.

Photo of a baby looking to the left.

It's time to drop off your little one at preschool or kindergarten. Right as you're ready to bid your farewell, out come the waterworks. Tears and tantrums are normal signs of preschool drop-off separation anxiety — but it can be tough for parents to handle. If your young kid is scared of being dropped off at school, these tips will help to ease their anxiety and smooth the goodbye process.


College counseling opens the door for students about to embark on a life-changing event — entering college or university. Many students may leave their hometown while others will stay. They'll face rigorous academic demands, meet new people, and continue their journey to self-discovery and career success.

Preschool students smiling and laughing

Are you looking at private preschool education for your child and want to be sure you're not missing any important details? The search for the right school comes with a multitude of considerations. You want to be confident that your pick of a private preschool will build a strong foundation for your child to flourish throughout their school years. At the same time, you're looking for an environment where your child can feel comfortable and cared for.